Your blood pressure is 238 over 134?
Blood pressure 238/134 - what does it mean?
Your blood pressure reading of 238/134 indicates Hypertension Stage 3. It is the most severe case of high blood pressure and usually needs immediate attention by a doctor or health care professional. It is also referred to as Hypertensive Crisis.
If these values come along with symptoms such as headache, nausea, blurry vision or chest pain, seek immediate help and call 911. You might be in a life-threatening situation.
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Blood Pressure 238/134 on the blood pressure scale
What you should know about a blood pressure of 238/134
Requirement for a blood pressure Hypertension Stage 3 is a value of over 180/110. Your blood pressure of 238/134 falls into this range.
If you are getting these values on multiple checks please consider finding a doctor as soon as possible.
The values given are highly dangerous. Find out more about Hypertension Stage 3 here.
Blood Pressure 238/134 on the blood pressure monitor
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